Tacoma's Museum of Glass and loft apartments down the street

首页stay and Housing Search

2023年秋季寄宿家庭申请截止日期已经过去,但澳门威尼斯人在线赌场仍然有限 可用空间. If you interested in homestay, please apply ASAP.  

The application and details are lower on the page 住宿申请:

As soon as you receive your visa, follow the steps below.  首页stay cannot be guaranteed until both of these steps are complete.

  1. 遵守所有 New International Student Steps
  2. Provide Arrival 信息 这 confirms your intention to arrive in person.  We 不 make homestay assignments until this committment is made

已完成这些步骤的申请将继续留在等待名单上,并且可能会被取消 失去他们在队伍中的位置.

不找寄宿家庭? 信息 and resources to assist with finding local housing are at the bottom of the page.  向下滚动 或点击链接到 直接跳
Looking for information on transportation to tacoma from Seatac airport? 向下滚动 或点击链接到 jump to airport transportation.


Tacoma is a mid-sized city of about 220,000 people and a total area population of 如果算上附近的小城市大学广场(University Place)和弗尔克雷斯特(Fircrest),大约有26万人.  TCC sits at an intersection of these three cities.  

重要的是要知道,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场目前没有宿舍 hall or other on-campus housing.  TCC does offer a homestay program that is managed by the 国际项目 办公室.  学生 who 不 live in homestay either 与当地的朋友或家人安排,或者他们租公寓,家或 他们自己的公寓.

Host family with 2 学生

Living With a Host Family

寄宿家庭是了解美国文化和提高自己的一种令人兴奋和独特的方式 英语语言能力.  It is much more than just renting a room or having a landlord.  作为TCC寄宿家庭的学生,你将与当地的寄宿家庭一起生活 help you adjust to living in the U.S. They will include you in their family life and provide support that will help you succeed in your studies. All TCC hosts are screened 并从澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的国际项目获得指导和持续的支持 办公室.   

TCC has hosts from many different backgrounds.  Some have children at home, others 不.  Some host more than one international student.  We have single host parents 夫妻也一样.  TCC hosts represent a wide variety of race, ethnicity, religious practice, age, and even national origin.  有些人曾在美国.S. 几代人 while others are immigrants who were international 学生 themselves.每台主机上 is different so each homestay is a different experience.  We look at your interests 并要求与寄宿家庭的兴趣和要求做出最好的匹配 可能的.  

首页stay placements are quarterly commitments (3 months).  At the end of each quarter, 你可以选择留在你的主机,换一个新的主机,或者搬出去 寄宿家庭.  Many 学生 will live with the same family for their entire time at TCC and form lifelong connections.


住宿申请 最后期限"


住宿申请 Deadline

Arrival 日期 for Airport Pick-up



9月. 16-17, 2023


11月. 30, 2023

12月. 16-17, 2023


2月. 29, 2024






对寄宿家庭感兴趣的学生应在申请入学的同时申请 to TCC and should not wait for their visa interview

学生必须不迟于上述每季度的截止日期申请,并且必须完成 一旦他们收到签证,他们的新学生注册后,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场才能安排寄宿家庭 确认. 

TCC寄宿家庭计划在COVID期间暂停,并于2021-22年开始重新开放 学年.  首页stay space is still very limited as we resume 操作 so it is important for 学生 to plan ahead. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场不太可能容纳申请迟到和/或延迟的学生 递交签证 


首页stay Changes effective for the 2022-23 学年"

为了跟上食品、公用事业和其他费用的上涨,TCC最近提高了每月的费用 homestay rates and the one-time placement fee.  这 is the first rate increase in 许多年.  In addition to these increases, we will offer a shared room option where 2 学生 would live in the same room, similar to a college residence hall.  每一个 student sill still have their own bed, desk, stor年龄等.  仅限大型主机 bedrooms will be able to offer the shared option, so space may be limited.  学生 who request shared homestay are not guaranteed a shared room.  如果没有共享空间 is 可用, you will be offered a private room at the normal private rate.

The new rates below are per month and paid directly to the host family.

Complete 首页stay, private  room


Complete 首页stay, shared room


Partial 首页stay, private  room


Partial 首页stay, shared room


此外,一次性的寄宿家庭安置费为350美元,将向您收取 student account once you accept your host family placement.  它将成为…的一部分 your student balance along with tuition, insurance, and other college charges.  这 费用与每月直接支付给主人的寄宿费用是分开的.  TCC收取这笔费用是为了支付处理寄宿家庭申请的相关费用 and securing a host family.  The 首页stay Placement fee covers a student's entire 即使你换了寄宿家庭,即使你暂时搬出去,你也可以在TCC度过一段美好的时光 and return to homestay later.



Please follow the link below to access the homestay application

不幸的是,该应用程序没有保存功能,必须完成 一次坐下来.  Here are some things to prepare ahead of time:

  1. a scan or photo of your passport photo page for ID verification
  2. 一张介绍照片,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场会提供给你的寄宿家庭(一些有趣的东西) 你的个性)
  3. a short (30 seconds or less) introduction video for your host family
  4. a 2-3 paragraph introduction letter for your host family.  你 should talk about things 比如你的家庭,你打算在TCC学习什么,你的兴趣是什么,你是什么 are excited about, and anything else that comes to mind.
  5. 还要考虑特殊的要求或需求(比如饮食限制或宠物过敏)。 as we ask about those too

Current 首页stay 学生: ”

Current 学生 already living in homestay 不 need to reapply each quarter.  继续住在寄宿家庭的学生可能需要分别提交续签申请 然而,新学年.


2022-23 住宿申请

After you apply, please review the following resources:

  1. Review and understand the 住宿手册
  2. 遵守所有 New International Student Steps
  3. Provide Arrival 信息 (provide arrival information for airport pick up)
  4. 与学费一起支付安置费(安置费记入您的学生账户).

TCC在申请截止日期后开始匹配过程 术语. 这 process takes 2-4 weeks

Applying early DOES give you priority in the matching process, but we 不 make host family assingments until after you confirm your visa.  学生 who already have 被批准的签证可能优先于那些更早申请但没有签证的学生 还有签证吗?.  All 学生 will receive their family's profile approximately 2 weeks 抵达前. 

如果您在收到签证或预订航班时遇到延误,请 make sure to communicate with TCC International Housing 截止日期前.


请注意,虽然TCC寄宿家庭已经重新开放,但全球疫情 不断变化. Please be sure to stay up to date with travel requirements. 你 can find up to date information here: CDC旅行要求
另外请注意,如果你在截止日期后申请了一个特定的季度,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 may not be able to accommodate you in homestay. It is also important to understand the visa application process in your home country as many U.S. 大使馆数量有限 操作. The wait time in some countries can be many months if you 不 already 预约. 你 can find approximate wait times using this U.S. 国务院 工具: Visa Appointment Wait Times

Not requesting airport pickup?

请注意,如果您没有在预定的抵达日到达,您必须 make your own transportation arrangements from the airport.

There are many options 可用 for 学生 who are arriving on a different day or plan to arrange their own transportation. The best options for transportation from the airport are generally ride share such as uber or lyft; although, there are many 出租车服务也是如此.  Depending on where you are staying, there may be a shuttle 可用.  The website for the SeaTac airport has some good information and links 到不同的选项:


Apartments and other Housing 资源 in Tacoma


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场一直在寻找愿意长期或短期接待的热情家庭 学生. 了解更多!

有问题? 联系 International Housing

脸谱网/Instagram: @tacomaccinternational