Student Grievance Procedures (Other)

Effective 1/1/2012


Grievances excluded from this section.

(1)学生不得将本节的规定作为提交申请的依据 grievance based on the outcomes of disciplinary proceedings described in the Code of Student Conduct.

(2)除政策、法规外,联邦和州的法律、法规和规章 and procedures adopted by the state board for community and technical colleges or 社区学院第22区校董会,不得有申诉事项.

(3)对于最终课程成绩争议,学生应使用已建立的 Student Grievance Procedure for Final Course Grades.

(4)因性骚扰、性别歧视而提出申诉的; 或有残疾歧视的,学生应按规定办理 大学性骚扰、性别歧视和残疾申诉程序 区别,WAC 132V-300-010至132V-300-030,不符合本节规定.

Grievance procedures.

Internal review and consultative processes have proven to be a desirable means of resolving problems. If a student believes he or she has been unfairly treated by a 教员,学院职员或行政人员,鼓励学生 与被投诉的个人解决投诉. 学生应在事件发生后的五个教学天内采取这一行动. 如果投诉没有得到解决,鼓励学生寻求非正式的解决办法 through the appropriate division manager. The student may choose to lodge a formal grievance according to the following procedures:

(1)该学生可以在事件发生后的十个教学日内到场 his/her complaint in writing to the appropriate division manager. The student shall 提交一份书面的,签名的申诉性质声明,行动总结 学生在此之前为解决不满所采取的措施,以及任何提出的解决方案 to the problem the grievant may wish to offer.

(2)在收到申诉后的十个教学日内,作出适当的裁决 manager shall hold a meeting to hear the complaint. It shall be at the discretion 由部门经理决定他/她是否会见申诉者 被单独或在联席会议上被投诉的人.

(a)在这一步骤和申诉程序的所有后续步骤中,申诉者 可以选择由律师代表准备和提交申诉. 申诉者应至少五次通知相应的部门经理 days in advance of such action. In such cases, the college may choose to be assisted by an assistant attorney general.

(b)在一次或多次会议之后,并在十个教学日内,该司 经理将报告他/她的发现和适当的行动,并予以实施 以书面形式向投诉人及被投诉人解决投诉 is directed.

Grievance procedures appeal process.

申诉程序的结果可向适当的行政机关提出上诉 由任何一方在不迟于五个教学日后提出申诉 notification after the division manager's determination.


(2)行政官员收到申诉后,将对原件进行审查 申诉和决定,任何提交的证据与原 grievance, and the appeal. Evidence not presented in the original grievance will not 在上诉过程中予以考虑,除非有特殊情况证明 the college. The administrative officer will respond to the appeal in one of two ways:

(a) Making a final decision.

(i)行政干事将以书面形式向当事各方提供决定 grievance within ten instructional days following receipt of the appeal.

(ii)行政官员的决定是最终的,不受进一步的限制 appeal.

(b) Convening a hearing committee to consider the appeal.

(i)行政干事将召集一个听证委员会审议上诉 within ten instructional days of receiving the appeal.

委员会将由下列成员组成:三名学生代表; chosen by the president of the associated student body; two faculty or staff representatives (视乎投诉的性质而定),由适当的行政部门委任 officer; two administrators, appointed by the president.

(iii)委员会可在达到法定人数的情况下举行会议并进行审议 each category identified above, is present.


(v)The proceedings of the hearing shall be tape recorded.

(vi)被投诉者未出席诉讼的 hearing, the chair is authorized to proceed with the hearing.


委员会将听取证词并审查有关申诉的证据; deliberate; and decide the issue by majority vote.

(九)听证委员会将书面通知有关各方其决定 within five instructional days of the hearing. Findings of fact will be included when 通知学生和教员、学院职员或管理人员 involved.


Final decision regarding student grievances.

(1)行政官或听证委员会上诉的书面裁定 will be considered final. No further intra-institutional appeal exists.

(2)视乎调查结果而定,可对有关人士展开纪律程序 person pursuant to appropriate procedures.

Nature of grievance proceedings.

(1)所有由学生申诉引起的听证会,包括上诉 the administrative officer, may be open with the approval of both parties.

(2)所有由学生申诉而产生的书面记录,包括上诉 对于总统办公室而言,只有在适用的情况下才可披露 law.

Withdrawal of grievance.

(1)在申诉过程中的任何时候,申诉人均可正式撤回申诉 the grievance in writing.

(2)投诉人未能出席任何预定的会议或聆讯 在没有事先通知或证明情有可原的情况下,这将是 considered to constitute withdrawal of the grievance.